Is There Enough Grace To Go Around! “Law was introduced in order to increase wrongdoing; but where sin increased, God's grace increased much more.” Rom 5:20 This Song Mends My Spirit When I'am Down, Hope It Lifts Yours! “The Word became a human being and, full of Grace and truth, lived among us. We saw his glory, the glory which he received as the Father's only Son.” Joh 1:14
The Lord's Grace, Ponder Upon It! “But the 2 are not the same, because God's free gift is not like Adam's sin. It is true that many people died because of the sin of that 1 man. But God's grace is much greater, & so is his free gift to so many people through the grace of the 1 man, Jesus Christ” Rom 5:15
No Accomplishment Without His Grace! “But by God's grace I am what I am, & the grace that He gave me was not without effect. On the contrary, I have worked harder than any of the other apostles, although it was not really my own doing, but God's grace working with me.” 1Co 15:10
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